In most cases, hemorrhoids are easy to deal with. Relieving its symptoms is so easy and you can possibly manage this embarrassing, uncomfortable condition at home. Reducing the swelling of the rectal veins helps heal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid treatment at home usually provides relief within a few days. Here are some ways you can do to help shrink your swollen rectal vein.
  • Apply ice to swollen rectal area for 15-20 minutes for 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Apply moist heat or sit in a warm bathtub several times a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use wipes or moistened toilet paper after a bowel movement instead of a dry paper.
  • You can take a warm sitz bath at home for 15 to 20 minutes. A sitz bath is Epsom Salts (even table salt can work) dissolved in water – about 1/2 cup per gallon. Lay back in this to avoid pressure on your bottom and so that the water can reach the affected area. .
While these may help reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids, it's better if you know how to prevent them. So better avoid these things before you realize you are suffering from this disturbing hemorrhoids.
  • Avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time.
  • Avoid rubbing the anal area. You can rinse off in the shower or on a bidet instead of wiping yourself with toilet paper. After cleansing, gently pat the anal area dry with a soft, absorbent towel or cloth.
  • Avoid sitting on the toilet for very long.
  • Avoid either constipation or diarrhea. These conditions can give more pressure in your anal area leading to hemorrhoids.
When washing the anal area, use soaps that contain no perfumes or dyes. If possible, it is best to manage health using quality, effective natural products. Home treatment of hemorrhoids is as effective as medical treatment. All natural treatments have fewer side effects.

Read also: Hemorrhoid Treatment using
Olive, Jojoba and Lavender